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If your skin has already developed some pigment spots that you want to get rid of, luckily there are remedies available. Today, there are a variety of wonderful ingredients that work incredibly well to treat hyperpigmentation in the skin. By adding one or more of these ingredients to your skin care routine, over time you will see the pigmentation spots lighten and your skin tone become more even.

It requires you to regularly use products with these ingredients, and of course also take other precautions to prevent the pigmentation from getting worse. This includes, among other things, that you use SPF daily, and that you avoid overexposing your skin to the sun.


The ingredient vitamin C only becomes more and more popular over the years and you can easily find a range of different skin care products that contain vitamin C in their ingredient list. This vitamin is rich in antioxidants that have the ability to protect your skin cells from damage from the sun or pollution from the environment, while also protecting against free radicals.

Studies also show that using vitamin C for 16 consecutive weeks reduced hyperpigmentation for as many as 62.5% of participants. If you combine this with daily use of SPF and other ingredients known for their ability to lighten hyperpigmentation, we have every reason to believe that this number would increase significantly.


Retinol is an ingredient that is a variant of vitamin A and is extremely effective in preventing the skin's own production of melanin. In addition to reducing melanin production in your skin, retinols also have anti-inflammatory properties and will also increase cell renewal, so you get fresh, new skin cells on the skin's surface faster.

Retinols, on the other hand, can be experienced as strong on the skin in some cases and should be used cautiously at first until the skin has adapted to the ingredient. It is also not the best choice for those with very sensitive skin.


Azelaic acid, also known in Norwegian as azelaic acid, is a milder form of acid compared to other acids you usually find in various skin care products. This is the ingredient to look out for if you have sensitive skin or are pregnant, as it is safe to use during pregnancy.

This ingredient has anti-inflammatory properties and also has the ability to prevent the production of melanin in your skin. It is therefore fantastic to use for melasma, which is a form of hyperpigmentation that occurs during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.


Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is an absolutely fantastic ingredient to add to anyone's skin care routine. This ingredient has a brightening effect on the skin, prevents premature signs of aging and treats acne. Niacinamide works in such a way that it interrupts the skin's natural pigmentation process in the skin and will thus prevent hyperpigmentation.

Since this ingredient also works well to treat acne, it will also be able to prevent future hyperpigmentation and scarring as a result of acne.


Mandelic acid, or mandelic acid as it is often called in Norwegian, is a type of acid that should give your skin a chemical peel. Previous research from 2019 has shown that the use of mandelic acid every two weeks effectively reduced inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and did so better than other acids such as glycolic acid or phytic acid.

Skin care products containing mandelic acid are currently not as widespread as other acids known to have a good effect on hyperpigmentation. However, we strongly believe that this is an ingredient we will see more of in the future.


If you experience problems with pigment spots in your skin, a chemical peel will be one of the most effective things you can do. This will give you new and fresh skin as all the old skin cells will be removed. By using skin care products that contain the ingredient AHA acid, you will stimulate the skin's cell production and thus achieve an even skin tone and lighter pigmentation.

You often find products that contain AHA acid in combination with other popular ingredients, such as BHA or vitamin C to give a more effective result.


Snail slime may not have the most attractive name, but this is an ingredient with a host of amazing benefits. It is with good reason that this is one of the most popular ingredients in K-Beauty skin care products. One of these is that it will give you an even skin tone, reduce the visibility of scars and also lighten pigmentation spots.

Products containing snail slime are also excellent for those with sensitive skin, as it also has a soothing effect, as well as healing properties.


Skin care products that contain the ingredient licorice root will have an incredibly good effect on the pigmentation in your skin. Licorice root has the ability to prevent the production of tyrosinase, which is an enzyme with an important role in the production of melanin in your skin.

Thanks to the active substance "liquiritin" found in licorice root, it will not only prevent the development of pigment spots, it will also actively help the skin to remove existing dark spots.

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