The SoulBeauty blog
Eye patch och eye mask - En K-Beauty vinnare
Eye patch och eye mask - En K-Beauty vinnare Vi behöver inte gå många år tillbaka i tiden innan vi inte hade hört talas om K-Beauty, men nu är det...
Ögonkräm - Varför koreansk ögonkräm är den bästa
ÖGONKRÄM - VARFÖR KOREANSK ÖGONKRÄM ÄR DEN BÄSTA Vi kan nog alla hålla med om att en ögonkräm kan kännas som en dubbel espresso för dina trötta ögon. De kanske...
Prevent and reduce wrinkles with k-beauty
Prevent and reduce wrinkles with k-beauty When we do, there are changes in our body that are simply inevitable. One of these changes is of course the appearance of fine...
Sebaceous Filaments – What are they and how do you get rid of them?
SEBACEOUS FILAMENTS - WHAT ARE THEY AND HOW TO GET RID OF THEM? Many of us have stood in front of the mirror and carefully studied the skin, and perhaps...
Sunscreen guide
Sunscreen guide Korean sunscreens are unique when it comes to consistency, effectiveness and nourishing ingredients. They do not clog pores, do not destroy make-up and protect against UV radiation. When...
Essence or Essence - What is it and is it needed?
ESSENCE OR ESSENCE - WHAT IS IT AND IS IT NEEDED? Essence or essence is definitely something you've heard of if you're into K-beauty - essence is often considered the...
Serum and ampoule/ ampoule - What is the difference?
SERUM AND AMPOUL - WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE In the world of K-beauty, there is an overwhelming array of products that promise radiant and healthy skin - oil cleansers, water-based cleansers,...
Toner Mask: The Korean DIY Sheet Mask Trick
TONER MASK THE KOREAN DIY SHEET MASK TRICK We have previously discussed "The 7 skin method", a technique that involves applying seven layers of toner at the same time as...
Korean sunscreen
YOUR GUIDE TO KOREAN SUNSCREEN WHY USE SUNSCREEN? Sunscreen plays a crucial role in ensuring effective sun protection and optimal skin care. The sunscreen acts as a shield for the...
Microbiome and probiotics
MICROBIOM AND PROBIOTICS I K-BEAUTY Most people know probiotics as something that you get through food or drink. Some choose to add probiotics to their food consumption through supplements purchased...
Acne scars
ACNE SCARS HOW TO AVOID THEM AND HOW TO GET RID OF THEM? Acne is far from uncommon and most of us will experience acne in our lifetime. While most...
What is Essence?
WHAT IS ESSENCE? If you are new to K-Beauty, it may feel a little overwhelming to read about all these different steps you have to go through in your skin...